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  • Constitution | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Church Constitution Amendments September 13, 2020 September 8, 2019 June 1, 2017 January 24, 2016 October 26, 2015 September 21, 2014 November 4, 2012 January 27, 2010 WELCOME TO BRIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH We are a fellowship of people who love the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been transformed by His love, His sacrifice for us, and His life in us. We welcome you to experience His life and power in you. We believe God has revealed Himself to us in His creation, in His written word, the Bible, and in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. We can know God and live in fellowship with Him. The Purpose of Bridge Community Church is to glorify God by: Participating in Christ-centered worship and fellowship. John 4:23-24 Promoting the growth of the body of Christ through teaching and preaching the Word of God and applying its truth in Christ to daily living and family relationships. Psalm 119:105 Promoting a community church character by maintaining a corporate worship and fellowship, bearing with one another in love and endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph.4:1-3 Ministering to need s of the community and sharing the love of Christ and the good news of abundant, eternal life in Christ. Matt. 28:18-20 Attached are our Affirmation of Faith, and Constitution. We welcome all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and share our purpose to become members and share in the opportunities of service in this fellowship. We desire to build the kingdom of God in this community. The Bridge Community Church Board of Elders OUR CHURCH COVENANT: This church covenant expresses our commitment to glorify God by encouraging, nourishing, correcting, and building up this local fellowship of the body of Christ. 1. I believe that Jesus Christ is my only hope of forgiveness of sin and eternal life. 2. I commit myself to love and obey Jesus Christ fully by abiding in Him continually. 3. I purpose to daily meet with God in His Word and in prayer and to apply His Word to all areas of my life. I desire to live a pure and fruitful life that pleases Jesus Christ. 4. I purpose to meet regularly with my fellow believers in the fellowship of His church, to pray for one another and to promote love and harmony in our relationships. 5. I purpose to promote true love for the Lord Jesus in any persons under my care by my example and instruction. 6. I will pray for the salvation of my loved ones and share the gospel of Christ by my life and word. Related Pages I'm New ByLaws Constitution Directions Mission & Vision FAQ Church History Affirmation of Faith About Us Pastor John Martin CONSTITUTION of BRIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH ARTICLE I Name: This organization shall be known as Bridge Community Church. ARTICLE II Foundation, Object, Priorities, Purpose of this Ministry 1. The Foundation of this Church is the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3: 11), and its code of guidance in all its affairs is the Word of God. This Church does here affirm its faith that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the Word of Almighty God (Mark 13:31). 2. The Object of this Church shall be to worship God according to the teaching of His Word, to practice the precepts and examples of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament, to sustain its ordinances and doctrines and to preach and propagate among all peoples the Gospel of Salvation which is by personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 3. The Priorities of ministry of this Church flow from the vision of God's glory revealed in Jesus Christ. We exist to savor this vision in worship (John 4:23), strengthen the vision in nurture and education (1 Corinthians 14:26, 2 Peter 3:18), and spread the vision in evangelism, missions and loving deeds (1 Peter 2:9, 3:15, Matthew 5:16; 28:18-20). The Purpose of this church: This church is formed and organized as a religious and non-profit corporation and does not intend to engage in any business, profession, avocation or trade for remuneration or profit for itself or its members. The charitable, religious, and educational purposes include, but are not limited to, establishing and maintaining religious worship, building houses of worship, evangelizing the unsaved by proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the educating of believers according to the Scripture, supporting Christian camping programs, and maintaining missionary activities in the United States and foreign countries. CHURCH GOVERNMENT ARTICLE V Elders, Officers and Church Leadership Organization of the Corporation Board of Directors All Officers must be voting members of Bridge Community Church. The Board of Directors of the corporation shall be composed of the Board of Elders. Each of the members of the Board of Directors is granted authority to act as an agent of the corporation and may sign documents as required on behalf of the corporation. However, the Board of Directors will meet, and document any decisions, prior to any agent of the corporation entering into any legally binding commitment. Chairman The chairman of the Board of Elders shall be the president of the corporation and preside over all meetings of the corporation. The Board of Elders shall elect a chairman from among their number to serve as the chairman at their first regularly scheduled meeting each year. Vice Chairman(en) The vice chairman of the Board of Elders shall be a vice president of the corporation. In those situations when the Chairman is unable to participate in a given meeting(s) the Vice Chairman shall preside. The Board of Elders shall elect a vice chairman from among their number to serve as the chairman at their first regularly scheduled meeting each year. The Board of Elders may elect other officers, as it deems necessary. Secretary The Board of Elders, acting as a Board of Directors, shall elect a secretary of the corporation from among the Board of Elders at their first regularly scheduled meeting each year. The secretary shall serve as both the secretary of the Corporation and the secretary of the Board of Elders. The secretary shall keep accurate records of each meeting, along with a record of the decisions made. These will be typed by the secretary, or his delegate, and archived in the church office or other location designated by the Board of Elders for record retention until the Second Coming of Christ. Treasurer The Board of Directors shall appoint a treasurer for the church. The Treasure is responsible for overseeing the financial status of the corporation as the Church Treasurer. An Assistant Financial Secretary shall be selected to work with the Financial Secretary and be able to assume the Financial Secretary's role whenever needed. Managing Agent The chairman of the Board of Elders shall be the authorized managing agent of the corporation within the State of Washington. Duties The duties of the board of directors, officers, and agents of the corporation shall be to transact all legal business on behalf of the corporation, as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, governmental laws, and regulations. Meetings of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall meet at least annually. The chairman of the Board of Directors may call special meetings of the Board of Directors as required, or as requested by the Senior Pastor. These meetings will be documented separately from the regularly scheduled meetings for the Board of Elders. Non-affiliated Organizations The Board of Elders shall have oversight of all non-affiliated organizations. Their constitutions and procedures shall be in harmony with the Constitution and Bylaws of the church. Elders: Duties and Responsibilities: Under the authority of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the Board of Elders of Bridge Community Church is responsible to guide the church in sound doctrine and application to daily life, shepherd the flock of God, and oversee all aspects of the church as those who must give account to the Chief Shepherd. Elders may be paid Elders (Pastors) or unpaid Elders. There shall be not less than three Elders, unless that number cannot be found to meet the Scriptural qualifications for Elders. The Elders shall lovingly govern, care for and equip the members to do the work of the ministry. Elders shall attend to the duties of spiritual ministry and preaching and teaching -- shepherding the flock of God, giving spiritual counsel and direction from the Scriptures for all areas of Christian living and service as God enables them, seeking always the preeminence of Christ, the salvation of the lost, the spiritual oneness of the believers, and restoration of the backsliders. The Elders shall be assisted by Deacons, Deaconesses and other leaders as needed and deemed by the Elders The Board of Elders shall meet not less than once per quarter. These meetings will be held in August, November, February, and May. The Board may meet as frequently as needed above these required meetings as determined by the pastor or any member of the Board of Elders. At least one-half of the Elders must be present at any meeting of the Board of Elders to transact business. Policy Manual: All additions to the Policy Manual shall be approved by the Board of Elders. Approval of all policies will be documented in the meeting minutes for the meeting of the Board of Elders. Once approved, the policy then becomes a part of how this congregation functions. All approved policies will be maintained in a binder in the Church office and will be available to church members and visitors as needed or as requested. Qualifications of Elders: All Elders must meet the Scriptural qualifications for Elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 Be a Christian man who is in agreement with the Affirmation of Faith Be honestly trying to live a holy Christian life. Exhibit a sincere desire to grow as a Christian. Be diligent to handle the word of God truthfully and skillfully. Be faithful to his wife. He must have the support of his wife in taking the position of an elder, and in fulfilling his role as an elder. Have a good testimony in the community. Sense that God is calling him to the responsibility of an elder. Selection: The consideration of a candidate for the position of unpaid Elder shall be initiated by the Board of Elders. A candidate shall be interviewed by the Elders regarding his personal walk with the Lord, biblical qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, agreement with the Affirmation of Faith, policies and practices of the church and vision for the fellowship. After interviewing the candidate, his wife, and some who know him well, and after prayer, a qualified candidate shall be recommended to the congregation by the Elders. For one month the Elders shall receive comments and concerns from the congregation regarding the qualifications of the candidate. Any concerns shall be thoroughly investigated by the Elders, and determination made whether a concern is cause for delay or disqualification of the appointment to the position of Elder. After positive resolution of all issues that come to the attention of the Elders, the candidate shall be presented, during a business meeting, to the congregation for a vote of acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the individual shall be installed as an elder during a morning worship service. Elders will be reaffirmed by vote of the congregation after each term of three years. Non paid elders shall serve for three year terms, staggered so the terms of individual elders end on successive years. The end date of each elder’s term shall be documented in the meeting minutes from the Board of Elders at the time of their election and be displayed alongside their name on the attendance list. Terms of service shall run from October 1st through October 1st of their third year. Selection of a Pastor (who is a paid elder): The Pastoral Search Committee members shall be composed of the Board of Elders, minus participation by the exiting pastor. If so desired by both the pastor and the Elder Board, the pastor may fulfill an advisory capacity. A supplemental team may be formed which will include the chairperson of the Deacons, the chairperson of the Deaconesses, and two to four members of the congregation. The role of the supplemental team is to provide administrative support to the Search Committee for such tasks as checking on references. In particular, this group will serve to maintain communication with the congregation regarding the search status and pertinent information concerning the search process, status, and the candidates being considered. The members of the supplemental team, if they are not Deacons or Deaconesses, need not be voting members. One member of the supplemental team will serve as the secretary to the Search Committee. This individual will be selected by the chairman of the Board of Elders. The Search Committee shall prayerfully explore the field for godly men meeting the requirements of a pastor as defined in a current job description and whose intent is: To continue the church as an independent New Testament body. To continue to forward the goals of evangelism and discipleship. To continue to support the doctrinal position of the church as stated in the Affirmation of Faith and Constitution. Following the review of candidate resumes, a pastor candidate shall be interviewed by the Elders. The candidate’s personal walk with the Lord, and biblical qualifications as defined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, will be discussed at that time. This may be by phone or in person. Upon successful completion of the interview, and a decision to proceed with a specific candidate, the Search Committee shall complete a careful investigation of the individual through background and reference checks, as well as prayerful consideration of the individual’s personality, strengths, and “fit” for this congregation. If the Search Committee desires to proceed with the candidate, the Search Committee shall contact the candidate and schedule an in-person visit at the church. During the visit at the church, the recommended candidate shall be brought for a hearing before the Board of Elders and afforded the opportunity to preach before the congregation. The candidate shall also be brought before the membership for the purpose of a public interview, with feedback from the congregation being provided to the Board of Elders. Travel and related costs incurred by the candidate for such a hearing or hearings shall be paid by the church. For two weeks the Elders shall receive comments and concerns from the congregation regarding the qualifications of the candidate. Any concerns shall be thoroughly investigated by the Elders and determination made whether a concern is cause for delay or disqualification of the appointment to the position of pastor (paid elder). Following the congregational interview and sermon, the Elders shall enter into a time of prayer and careful contemplation regarding the candidate and the feedback received from the congregation, understanding that once a recommendation has been made it is neither fair to the candidate nor to the congregation to withdraw a recommendation unless new and compelling information has come to light. After interviewing the candidate, his wife, and his references, and fervent prayer, a qualified candidate shall be recommended to the congregation by the Elders. The Elders shall then make the determination for whether or not to call the candidate as pastor (paid elder). The candidate shall be affirmed only by a 100% vote of the Elder Board. Terms of at will employment will be arranged by the Elder Board. By virtue of his office, the pastor (paid elder) and his wife automatically become members of the church. Termination of a Pastor (Paid Elder): A vote of confiden ce may be called to determine the future relationship of a paid Elder and the church, when the call for such a vote originates with the Elders. A 60 day notice shall precede a severance of relationship between the paid Elder and the church, unless waived by mutual consent. The decision to terminate the pastor’s (paid Elder's) position requires an affirmative vote by 75% of those present and voting at a duly called membership meeting. Should a situation arise where it is deemed necessary by the church to terminate their relationship with the paid Elder sooner than the normal specified time, the church may do so with a 60 day -severance pay. Other Officers of the Church The other Officers of the Church shall be elected from among the voting members for a one year term by the voting membership at the Annual Membership Meeting. These officers include the Board of Deacons and the Board of Deaconesses. Terms of service shall run from October 1st through October 1st. The Chairpersons of each Board shall submit nominees for these positions in accordance with Article VII. Deacons and Deaconesses shall meet the qualification stated in I Timothy 3:8-13. They shall work under the leadership of the Elders so as to free the Elders to concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the word. Examples of such assistance could include managing and maintaining church property, assisting those in need, and other tasks assigned by the Elders. Deacons and Deaconesses Deacons Historically, the deacons took care of the material and financial side of the church’s programs, such as the collection and distribution of relief to those in need. The Board of Deacons is responsible for coordinating with the Treasurer for oversight of the church budget as well as the preparation/compilation of each annual budget. The Board of Deacons shall accept responsibility for the maintenance of the church property and buildings, including all housekeeping activities and schedules. They shall schedule work days as required and coordinate the efforts of the volunteers involved. Additionally the Deacons are responsible for the oversight and management of building use as defined in the current version of the Building Use Policy. Finally, the Deacons are responsible for the execution and management of the Church Safety Policy. The Board of Deacons may also accept responsibility of other activities as deemed appropriate so long as such activities do not interfere with the pre-existing efforts of other groups. Deaconesses Historically Deaconesses served as helpers, able to carry the light and comfort of the gospel into the most private and delicate relations of life. The primary role of the Board of Deaconesses is to encourage the fellowship of women with each other and the Lord through personal contact, women's fellowship meetings, and other functions. The deaconesses are responsible for the hospitality ministries within the church which includes, but are not limited to, serving as hostesses for church potlucks, coordinating meals for those who are ill or bereaved, funerals/memorial services for church members, and care and management of the church kitchen. The Board of Deaconesses may also accept responsibility for other activities as deemed appropriate, so long as such activities do not interfere with pre-existing efforts of other groups. ARTICLE VI Business Meetings The vote of the voting membership of this Church at a duly called meeting, as provided by the Constitution, shall be required to effect the following actions: Approve the annual budgets of the church; Affirm election of Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses recommended by the nominating committee; Approve purchase, sale, lease, mortgage or other alienation of real property of Bridge Community Church; Approve amendment of the Constitution of Bridge Community Church; Approve dissolution of the church. Business Meetings: The Chairman of the Board of Elders shall preside over the meeting, or designate another to do so. The chairman shall determine the rules of procedure according to his sense of fairness and common sense, giving all members a reasonable opportunity to be heard on a matter. Notice of meetings shall be given in two Sunday morning services immediately prior to the meetings. Annual Business Meeting: The annual business meeting of the church voting membership shall be held in the month of September (except where extenuating circumstances necessitate its postponement). The agenda will include written reports for all departments of the church, the reading of financial reports, election/affirmation of church officers, and other business as would normally come before the congregation. Other Business Meetings: Additional business meetings shall be held in January to approve the budget. Special Business Meetings of the church voting membership may be called by the Elders, with announcement at two Sunday morning services prior to the meeting. Business shall be limited to the purpose stated in the meeting notice. ARTICLE VII Policy Voting Voting shall be limited to the voting membership, and shall be conducted by ballot unless otherwise agreed upon by the membership. Voting members sixteen (16) years of age and older shall have the privilege of voting, except in legal matters where the required age is eighteen (18) years or above. Voting by proxy or in absentia will not be permitted. Quorums 40% of the eligible voting members shall constitute a quorum to transact business at a congregational meeting. This number is calculated based on the number of active members present. Active and inactive members, in terms of business meetings, are defined as: Active Members Voting members present for the meeting Inactive Members Voting members not able to be present due to physical limitations which prevent their attending the meeting. Those who are practically unable to attend the meeting include those who are bed-ridden or who are unable, or unwilling, to drive at night. Inactive members also include those who may be out of the area, including missionaries, snow birds, or people on vacation. Ministry Service Renewal Each year those serving will be asked to confirm they would like to continue serving in that capacity for the coming year. This provides an annual opportunity to gracefully bow out if they feel it is time for a change. For the Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses, the chairperson of each Board will be responsible for recruitment and maintenance of the Board. For these roles a vote is required, as noted elsewhere in these bylaws. For non-elected positions, it is recommended that these volunteers also be polled to verify they would like to continue to serve in that capacity. These positions need not be voted on, but may be recorded in a roster noting what individuals are serving in what capacity. Nominations by the membership: Other names may be brought for nomination by members (in writing, with a second, and with the consent of the nominee) to the voting membership during the annual meeting. ARTICLE VIII Church Property No real property, generally defined as land and the things permanently attached to the land, which can also be referred to as “improvements”, include wells, garages, and buildings, etc., of the church shall be purchased, sold, leased, mortgaged or otherwise alienated unless first approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership of the church present at a regular or special meeting of the church duly called for that purpose. The Chairman of the Elders and the Treasurer shall certify in such conveyance, lease or mortgage that the same has been duly recommended and authorized by the vote of the church. ARTICLE IX Church Finances This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and shall be maintained by the free gifts and offerings of those persons, churches, and organizations who wish to contribute to its cause. Contributions All contributions made to Bridge Community Church shall be counted and deposited in the bank in as timely a manner as possible, and with maximum confidentiality. Moneys shall be counted as soon as possible after each service in which it was received by no less than two persons, and they shall sign the register of moneys received to certify accuracy. Contributors may suggest uses for their contributions, but all suggestions shall be deemed advisory rather than mandatory. Contributions made to specific funds or otherwise designated shall remain subject to the control and discretions of the board of Elders. No fiduciary obligation shall be created by any designated contribution made to the church other than to use the contribution for the general furtherance of any purposes stated in Article II. No part of the net earnings of the church shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers or other private persons, except that the church shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its stated purpose. An exception to this includes the use of fellowship funds or funds distributed to missionaries. Both of these activities are managed through the activities of duly recognized committees within the church body. Payments and disbursements of funds shall be handled by the Church Treasurer or Financial Secretary. The Elders shall define when checks will require more than one signature. In general, normal monthly bills shall not require more than one signature. Non-routine expenditures in excess of $1000 shall require two signatures. Records management Records of all funds received and disbursed, bank accounts, investments, unpaid and paid bills, and other financial records shall be maintained in a secure place behind lock. Records of contributions must be stored separate from other financial records to guard confidentiality. Record of personal contributions are confidential and shall not be publicized or made available to members. All records must be labeled clearly, and be accessible for auditing when needed. All computerized records must be properly backed up to insure against loss due to equipment failure. Backup media must be stored away from the computer and other financial records. Financial reports must be prepared monthly and annually, providing an accurate report of Income and Disbursements for each reporting period, and bank and investment balances and information at the end of each reporting period. The reports shall be submitted to the deacons for review. Financial reports will be made available to the elders, and church members, when requested. Audit Financial records should be audited at least every third year by a person qualified to perform such audit, and a report shall be submitted in writing to the Elders. The Fiscal Year of this corporation shall be from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Ministries, Committees All ministries to be considered part of Bridge Community Church Activities shall be approved by the Elders prior to public announcement or recruitment of workers and member support. Elders will oversee each ministry and seek to equip them for best effectiveness. Committees may be formed as needed to carry out specific tasks. All committees must be approved by the Elders, including the leadership structure of the committee and the plan for recruitment of workers. Committee chairpersons shall make a written report which is to be presented during the Annual Meeting. Additionally, committee chairpersons will periodically communicate the status of their committee’s activities, needs, and concerns to the elders. This need not be done formally. ARTICLE XI Affiliation This congregation, having been in fellowship with In Faith since April 17, 1997, shall remain so until said affiliation shall be terminated by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote, by ballot at a duly called meeting for that purpose, which has been announced three successive Sundays prior to said meeting. ARTICLE XII Dissolution In the event that this corporation be dissolved, all assets, after all obligations and liabilities of said corporation have been paid, satisfied, discharged, or adequate provision made therefore, shall be distributed to In Faith , a Pennsylvania corporation. In the event that In Faith is not in existence at the time this corporation is dissolved, all assets, after all liabilities of the corporation have been paid, satisfied, discharged, or adequate provision made therefore, shall be distributed to a non-profit evangelical Protestant religious corporation which has the same status in regard to federal income tax exemption that this corporation has set forth. The distribution shall be to such an organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law as the Board of Elders shall determine. ARTICLE XIII Amendments Amendment of this Constitution may be made at any meeting of the church membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members voting at that time. Proposed amendments must be presented in written form to the membership and announced three successive Sundays prior to their adoption by the members at a duly called meeting.

  • Sunday Services | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Sunday Services Bridge Community Church offers several services every Sunday, to include . . . Adult Bible Study @ 9:30 a.m. Nursery Care @ 10:30 a.m. Worship Service @ 10:30 a.m. Children's Church @ 11:00 a.m. In addition, we offer individual prayer sessions after Sunday service.

  • Eternal Life | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Eternal Life For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 6:23 GOD LOVES YOU AND CREATED YOU TO HAVE AN ETERNAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM God has demonstrated His love for you "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16 "In this love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (satisfaction) for our sins." 1 John 4:10 So, why is it that most people don't experience God's love? BECAUSE GOD IS HOLY AND MAN IS SINFUL "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 2:23 - (Sin is either active rebellion or passive indifference toward God.) "And these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power." II Thessalonians 1:9 "For the wages of sin is death" (separation from God). Romans 6:23 GOD SENT JESUS CHRIST TO DIE ON THE CROSS IN OUR PLACE TO PAY THE PENALTY FOR OUR SINS He Died For Us "For Christ also died for sins once and for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God." 1 Peter 3:18 He Rose From The Dead "God furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead." Acts 17:31 Believing in Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. We place our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord as an act of our will. The Bible speaks of this as receiving a gift "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast." ~Ephesians 2:8 , 9 UnSaved This person has never responded to Christ's offer of eternal life If this person were to die today, he would pay the penalty for his sin His destiny would be eternal separation from God Saved This person has responded to Christ's offer of eternal life. If this person were to die today, Christ has paid for his sins. His destiny would be eternal life with God.

  • Pastor John Anniv | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Pastor John's 10th Anniversary 2023 Load More Pictures

  • Baptisms | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Baptisms August 18,2024 Load More Pictures

  • FAQ | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page How Should I Dress? While some attendees do wear their "Sunday best," others wear more casual clothes on Sunday morning. The person wearing the tie is usually delivering the sermon. Dress comfortably. What Should I Bring? If you have a Bible, bring it with you. Our pastor usually preaches from the New King James Version of the Bible and uses a printed teaching outline in our bulletin. If you do not have a bible, please feel free to use one of ours located in the seating area which you may take home with you as our gift. If you expect to take notes, bring a pen or pencil When Should I Arrive? Plan to arrive ten minutes prior to the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School or the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service to allow time to park and enter the Worship area. If you have small children, you will need time to arrange for your pre-schoolers in our nursery. Where Should I Go Once I've Arrived? We're just a small church. A greeter will welcome you as you enter our foyer. This is just inside our main entrance. Other entrances are marked. If you need additional assistance, our greeters will be available. Restroom and diaper changing areas are located just off the foyer What Kind Of Music Do You Use For Worship? From our inception, we have been committed to excellence in celebrative worship.We want you to worship God in a safe environment where you feel secure and loved by friends, family and most of all, by God. Our worship team leads our congregation. The music includes a mix of hymns and contemporary music accompanied by an energetic praise group. Some people lift their hands in praise while singing, while others simply stand or sit while singing. There are no expectations. We simply mention this in hopes that you feel comfortable while singing praises to our Lord. What About Offerings? Bridge Community Church does not engage in a formal offering. Our members support the ministry of the church, so please don't feel you need to give anything as you are considered our guest. Do You Have Life Groups or Bible Study Groups? Our "Life Groups" and small group Bible Studies are the heart of our church. You cannot fully experience our church without being plugged into one of these small groups. Ask a greeter or our Pastor to help you find the right group for you and your family. Do You Have Adult Sunday School? We call our Sunday morning group Bible studies "Adult Sunday School" and "Teen Sunday School". They begin at 9:30 a.m.. We have men's and women's groups that meet monthly for breakfast and prayer. We also have a Youth Group Meeting every Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. There are other groups that meet at other times during the week for prayer, fellowship and special events such as Men's or Women's Retreats. Do You Have A Nursery Where I Can Leave My Child? Children's Church on Sunday (Ages 4 through 11) Nursery (Ages 0 through 3) We offer a nursery for babies through age 3 for all church wide events. Nursing mothers are welcome to use our Nursery room to feed their babies. If you need another location, please ask an attendant in the nursery for assistance Will My Child Be Safe? We take child security seriously. If you have concerns, please direct them to a greeter in the lobby. We want you and your children to feel safe and secure in our building. Complete background checks have been conducted on all children's and youth workers. What If I Have Other Questions? Additional Questions may be directed to Pastor John by email at or by phone at (360) 426-6352 (Church) or (303) 881-7006 (Pastor John's Cell) Frequently Asked Questions

  • ByLaws | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Church ByLaws Amendments September 13, 2020 September 8, 2019 June 1, 2017 January 24, 2016 October 26, 2015 September 21, 2014 November 4, 2012 J anuary 27, 2010 WELCOME TO BRIDGE COMMUNITY CHURCH We are a fellowship of people who love the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been transformed by His love, His sacrifice for us, and His life in us. We welcome you to experience His life and power in you. We believe God has revealed Himself to us in His creation, in His written word, the Bible, and in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. We can know God and live in fellowship with Him.The Purpose of Bridge Community Church is to glorify God by: Participating in Christ-centered worship and fellowship. John 4:23-2 Promoting the growth of the body of Christ through teaching and preaching the Word of God and applying its truth in Christ to daily living and family relationships. Psalm 119:105 Promoting a community church character by maintaining a corporate worship and fellowship, bearing with one another in love and endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph.4:1-3 Ministering to needs of the community and sharing the love of Christ and the good news of abundant, eternal life in Christ. Matt. 28:18-20 Attached are our Affirmation of Faith, and Constitution. We welcome all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and share our purpose to become members and share in the opportunities of service in this fellowship. We desire to build the kingdom of God in this community. The Bridge Community Church Board of Elders OUR CHURCH COVENANT: This church covenant expresses our commitment to glorify God by encouraging, nourishing, correcting, and building up this local fellowship of the body of Christ. 1.I believe that Jesus Christ is my only hope of forgiveness of sin and eternal life. 2.I commit myself to love and obey Jesus Christ fully by abiding in Him continually. 3.I purpose to daily meet with God in His Word and in prayer and to apply His Word to all areas of my life. I desire to live a pure and fruitful life that pleases Jesus Christ. 4.I purpose to meet regularly with my fellow believers in the fellowship of His church, to pray for one another and to promote love and harmony in our relationships. 5.I purpose to promote true love for the Lord Jesus in any persons under my care by my example and instruction. 6.I will pray for the salvation of my loved ones and share the gospel of Christ by my life and word.

  • Affirmation of Faith | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Affirmation of Faith The Word of God commands every Christian believer to conform to God's instruction in both doctrine and practice (Psalm 119:105; Matthew 28:18-20; Galatians 1:6-8; II Timothy 4:1-5). It is the goal of this fellowship of believers to stand for and emphasize the foundational truths of the Bible held in common by evangelical Christians. These truths of the historic Christian faith are expressed in the following: 1. We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God -- God-breathed, infallible, and inerrant in the original manuscripts, and providentially preserved in their transmission to us today; and the supreme and final authority for faith and life (Matthew 5:18; II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21). 2. We believe in one God, existing eternally in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; co-equal in power and glory, identical in their essential nature, attributes, and perfection (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30; II Corinthians 5:19; 13:14; I John 5:7). 3. We believe God, the Father, is sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. He is worthy of all honor, glory, worship and love. He is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchanging in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth (Deut. 6:4-9; John 4:23-24). 4. We believe that Jesus Christ is both true God and true man; that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; that He died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin; that He was buried, but rose from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures; that He ascended into heaven, where He is seated at God's right hand and intercedes as the believer's Advocate and High Priest; and that His imminent return will be personal, visible and victorious, establishing righteousness and justice in the new heaven and new earth (Luke 1:35; John 1:1,2,14; Acts 1:9-11; I Corinthians 15:3,4; I Thess. 4:13-18; 5:9; Hebrews 7:25; I Peter 2:24; II Peter 3:13; I John 2:1,2; Rev. 19:11-20:6). 5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; that He is the supernatural agent in regeneration, indwelling and sealing believers unto the day of redemption; that He is the Comforter who teaches and guides believers into all truth; and that the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit displayed in daily living (John 14:16,17,26; 16:7-15; Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 6:19,20; 12:12-14; II Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 1:13,14; 5:18; I John 2:20-27). 6. We believe that Satan is a personal and real being, a murderer, liar and great deceiver, sometimes appearing as an angel of light; that he is the open and declared enemy of God and His people and all mankind, having taken captive at his will the unbelieving and disobedient; and that he shall be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire (Genesis 3:1,13; Job 1:7; Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-19;Matthew 4:2-11; 25:41; John 8:44; Ephesians 6:11,12; II Timothy 2:24-26; I Peter 5:8-9; Revelation 13:14; 20:10; II Cor. 11:14). 7. We believe that man was created in the image of God, without sin; but that in Adam's disobedience, the whole human race incurred both physical and spiritual death; that all men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ (Genesis 1:26,27; Jeremiah 17:9,10; John 14:6; Romans 3:10-12,22-23; 5:12; Ephesians 2:1-3,12).We believe that all human life is made in God’s image, including the unborn, handicapped, aged and infirm. (Psalm 139:14-16, Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:44). 8. We believe that salvation is the gift of God, provided and offered to all mankind, yet received individually by repentance of our sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins (John 1:12; Acts 20:21; Romans 5:1; 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-10; Colossians 1:13; Titus 3:5-6; I Peter 1:18,19). 9. We believe that the Church universal is the Body and espoused Bride of Christ, a spiritual organism made up of all born-again persons past, present and future; and that the establishment and continuance of local churches–groups of believers banded together to worship, to comfort and build up its members in the holy faith–is clearly taught and defined in the New Testament Scriptures (Acts 2:42-47; 14:27; 20:28-32; I Corinthians 12:12-14; II Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 1:22,23; 4:11-16; 5:25-27; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11; Hebrews 10:25). 10. We believe that all believers are baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ at the time of their salvation; that they are equipped by Him with one or more spiritual gifts for the edification of the Body of Christ unto the glory of God; and that it is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Spirit and sanctified in Christ–receiving power for holy living and effective service (Mark 1:4-8; Romans 12:3-8; I Corinthians 12:4-11, 12-14; 14:1,12; Ephesians 4:11,12; 5:18-21; I Thessalonians 4:3; I Peter 4:10,11; I Cor. 1:30). 11. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life with God, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment in Hell (Matthew 25:46; John 5:28-29; 11:25-26; Revelation 20:4-6, 12-15). 12. We believe that it is the obligation of the saved to witness by life and word to these truths of Holy Scripture, heeding Christ's commission to the Church to proclaim the Gospel and the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all mankind (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15,16;Luke 24:46-48; John 13:3; Acts 1:8; II Corinthians 4:5; 5:17-21; 10:3-6; I Peter 1:2; 3:15,16). 13. Issues involving Marriage a. We believe that all sexual activity outside of the context of marriage between one biological man and one biological woman is sin. b. God’s original intent was that this be a lifelong union. However, due to our fallen natures God allows divorce in some situations. Further, sin, repented of, will be forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and because of this wonderful reality remarriage is possible in some situations. c. Marriage pictures the bond of love between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church, made of all who are trusting in Him. Therefore, the least desirable of options for the Christian is the dissolution of the marriage through divorce, and this will be prevented whenever possible. d. Bridge Community Church will not knowingly perform marriages between those who are Christian and those who are not.(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:21-25; Ephesians 5:18-33; Romans 1:18-32; I Corinthians 6:9-11). 14. We believe that all human life is sacred and created in the image of God. Therefore, we are called to defend, protect, and value all human life including the pre-born, the aged, and the physically/mentally disabled. (Psalm 139) The Word of God also directs that all things be done decently and in order in the assembly of Christian brethren (I Corinthians 14:40). Having discussed the Scriptural grounds of the Church and now come to agreement on the purposes for this local congregation, we, the members of Bridge Community Church, accept and subscribe to the following Constitution, in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our congregation shall be governed. These revisions reflect the need to clarify our position on marriage in light of the recent court rulings redefining marriage.

  • VBS | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Vacation Bible School 2024 Load More Pictures

  • Weekly Opportunities | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page Weekly Opportunities Week of December 22, 2024 Monday Crafter's Corner - Contact Sandy Bamford 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 2nd, 4th, & 5th Mondays at BCC Life Group - 1st & 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Vivian Home. Life Group (Women Only) –1st & 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Jean Brown's home. Tuesday Thrive Youth Group - led by David Miller 6:00 p.m. (Includes Dinner) - Life Group - Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at David Bauer's Home Wednesday A "Council of War" Prayer Meeting 10:30 a.m. at BCC Kaleidoscope Toddler Activities (ages 0-5 yrs.) 1:00 p.m. - Every Wednesday at BCC Thursday Life Group - led by Ed Knowles 10:00 a.m. Every Thursday at BCC Toddler Arts & Crafts Classes 1:00 p.m. - 2nd Thursday of each month at BCC Friday Life Group (Men Only) - led by Bill Valley 6:00 p.m. - Every Friday at BCC Sunday Adult Bible Study 9:30 a.m. in the BCC Classroom Nursery Care 10:30 a.m. in the BCC Nursery Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - BCC Sanctuary - Recorded & posted on our website later in the week. Children's Church 11:00 a.m. BCC Classroom Worship Team Practice 6:30 p.m. - BCC Sanctuary

  • God's Plan | Bridge Church

    New Page About Us Mission & Vision Church History Pastor John Martin FAQ I'm New Directions Constitution Affirmation of Faith ByLaws Missions The Bible Eternal Life New Page Sunday Sermon Previous Sermons Live Stream Sermon Manuscripts Weekly Bulletin New Page Sunday Services Activities New Page Contact Us Donate Worship Team Application New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page New Page Search Results New Page God's Plan For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope - Jeremiah 29:11 God's Overall Plan in a 20 Minute Read By: Duane Gilchris What we know about God and His creation is from the Bible, which has been proven to be true with much evidence. So, this summary will reflect the conclusions that serious believers have drawn from the Bible, not my own or other's opinions.First God is Holy, righteous, all-knowing, has been for all eternity past and has had a perfect plan in His mind that has been revealed in the Bible. This plan will finally be the BEST that you can imagine for God and for those who trust Him.So, we know that He created the angels to serve and worship Him of their own free will. (He did not want automatons, forced to do His will). So, His plan allowed for them to fail (sin). The most glorious of these angels, Satan, became full of pride, led a rebellion among the angels and one third of them fell into that sin. God had no plan to save these sinners. He allowed them to exist as demons under the leadership of Satan, awaiting a future eternal judgment. It may seem strange that a perfect righteous , all-powerful God would be faced with this "problem" of rebellion. But, the problem was (is) a piece of the perfect plan. God went forward with His plan's next step, to create the human race to live in a perfect environment. Again humans have free will to chose to obey God. (Not automatons). So, He used Satan and the demons to test the humans, and right away, they failed and also became sinners, and the environment was impacted by sin! However, with humans, He did not leave them in a "fixed" state of lostness as He did Satan and the demons. In His plan there would be forgiveness and redemption for the humans, if they chose to accept His love and salvation. A piece of His plan was to allow humans to live within His rules (Law) as best they could, for quite a bit of time, trying in various ways to overcome the problems that their sin had brought upon them. God also allowed Satan and his demonic horde to have access to the humans to further test their ability to live successfully within the problems they had brought upon themselves. Now, from the first point of their sinning, God began to promise that He would eventually send a Redeemer who would save them from their sins. This Redeemer was going to die for them, shedding His blood, a requirement for forgiveness. This coming death and sacrifice was constantly kept before them by instructing them to regularly sacrifice the choicest of their animals, picturing the coming Redeemer. And wonder of wonders, this Redeemer was going to be God Himself. Now, God had other things to do in addition to the redemption of the human race, such as, keeping the universe going successfully etc. So while He wanted to make the GREATEST act of LOVE we can imagine, dying in my place so that I can be forgiven, He also had to run the universe! There was a solution built into His perfect plan! We know from the Bible that God is One being made up of three persons, the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. So the Son could die for us while the Father continued to rule and sustain the universe. Finally God executed this major piece of His plan. He sent His Son to be born of a human mother, to live in this wicked world, live a sinless life, demonstrate that He is (was) the Son of God by showing His power over sickness, even over death. Also, exerting power over nature etc. Then, the majority of the humans, under the influence of Satan and his demons, completely rejected this perfect "man-God" and fulfilled the most important piece of the plan by killing their Creator God, making the perfect, required sacrifice for sin! The next, equally, important piece of the plan was His resurrection from the dead! So, Jesus Christ, God Himself, lived among us for about 40 days, was seen by over 500 persons, left instructions with His followers to spread this great good news among all people. And then He was taken up into Heaven, assuring His followers that He would return and would then complete the plan. He would finally make the permanent division between the evil beings, Satan, his demons and the Christ rejecting humans, into eternal Hell.And the holy beings, His faithful angels, and the redeemed believing humans from all ages, will gather together with Him, into His eternal Heaven. Now, to date it has taken about 7000 years on the earth to work out His plan. It appears that we are living in the time when God will soon complete His overall plan! Those humans who rejected His plan in times past are spiritually dead awaiting their certain eternal doom. Those who accepted God's plan of redemption are spiritually alive with God awaiting the final fulfillment of His eternal glorious plan for them!

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