Bulletin Insert
Week Of January 19, 2025
Change: In the Church
Ephesians 4:11-16
Change: Supernatural​
Change: Future Shock
Change: In the Church
Change: Personal
Sermon Outline:
1. ntroduction ~ we’re supposed to grow into likeness of Christ Col 3:9-10
2. Context ~ our passage today is 1 long run-on sentence Eph 4:11-16
2.1. this follows from vs 7 through the word “Christ” Eph 4:7
3. Background ~ generally “gospel” means “good news”
3.1. this refers to what Jesus has done for us 1 Cor 15-4
3.2. when we ignore Scripture our stabilizing foundation is lost
3.2.1. God provides what we need to prevent this Eph 4:11-12
4. Gifted People ~ are provided by God to equip His people for ministry
4.1. apostles (the same word is used for missionaries; i.e. “sent ones”)
4.2. prophets-who deliver the words of God
4.3. evangelists who lead people into saving faith
4.4. pastors who lead & protect the converts
4.5. teachers who bring these converts into maturity
4.5.1. believers are equipped & the church changes Eph 4:14
4.6. as his happens God’s purposes are met Eph 4:15 Eph 4:15-16
5. The Church ~ must come under consideration
5.1. fundamentally we make more Christ-followers Matt 28:18-20
6. Spiritual Organism ~ describes the nature of the Church-it is alive
6.1. our status before God changes instantly Phil 3:20-21
7. Social ~ also describes the Church since it is made up of people
7.1. alone we stagnate & gradually wither Heb 10:24-25
8. Not Undivided ~ we are not a homogeneous collection of people
8.1. there will be unsaved people in our midst Matt 13:30
9. Application ~ ea member of the body is needed if we’ll fulfill our mission
9.1. that will always, 1st, require death to self Rom 12:1
9.2. w/out that we’ll always experience change in the wrong direction
9.2.1. are we becoming more like Jesus? Eph 4:13
For Contemplation:
Am I ready to contribute to the needed changes in my church?
Homiletical Idea:
As a church we are called and equipped to become mature in Christ.
For Prayer:
Father, move in my heart to be ready to be used for change in my church